As a platform for creation and exploration for the art of today, the IAC (Institute of Contemporary Art) holds an array of in situ exhibitions and events on its 1,200 sq. m. premises, as well as developing an internationally acknowledged collection (1,900 artworks). In an art space that is updated for each event, the IAC organises three periods of exhibitions annually. Solo exhibitions, the most intimate showcases of an artist and their work, are a defining feature of IAC’s vision, and have included Jef Geys (2007), Michel François, Matt Mullican (2010), Joachim Koester (2011), Manfred Pernice (2013), Guillaume Leblon (2014), Jason Dodge (2016), Ann Veronica Janssens, Maria Loboda (2017), Katinka Bock (2018) and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (2019).
Building on its in situ activities, the IAC also undertakes numerous ex situ projects at both national and international level, as well as throughout the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. These range from disseminating its collection to promoting emerging artists (through the initiatives ‘Jeune création internationale’ / ‘Biennale de Lyon’ and ‘Galeries Nomades’).
The IAC also engages in experimental research activities through the Laboratory Space Brain, launched in 2009 by Nathalie Ergino and the artist Ann Veronica Janssens. In view of recent scientific breakthroughs (neuroscience, astrophysics, anthropology, biology, geology, etc.), as well as renewed interest in hypnosis, shamanism and animism, the Laboratory Space Brain seeks to bring together researchers and artists, with intuition as their driving force, shared imagination as their bedrock and collective interaction as their modus operandi.
11 rue Docteur Dolard
69100 Villeurbanne, France
T. +33 (0)4 78 03 47 00