The Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA is firmly committed to its primary goal of developing a collection of contemporary art. Over the past forty years it has built up a vibrant portfolio, an emblematic legacy of the most varied forms of contemporary artistic expression — painting, sculpture, photography, video, installation – and currently holds over 1,300 works by both well-known artists and talented newcomers. Each year, due to the generous implication of hundreds of partner institutions, 50% of these artworks are made accessible in various locations including multimedia resource centres, schools and heritage sites, in both cities and rural areas.
The Frac’s policy is to work, first and foremost, as closely as possible with artists and their works, through acquisitions, residency programmes and production support. And it is equally attentive to its audiences, targeting schools and higher education establishments, the social sector or those who usually have little contact with art and culture, through innovative (particularly digital) formats including workshops, live events, a digital platform for designing virtual exhibitions, web-documentaries, features on social media and publications.
Since 2019, the Frac has been based at the MÉCA (Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s Creative and cultural economy centre), with new premises extending over nearly 4,600 sq. m. of exhibition space, storage facilities and rooms for experimental activities with artists, professionals and the public. There is also a new way of making the exhibitions at the MÉCA more accessible via a system of socially responsible and participative entrance fee pricing, whereby visitors donate the amount of their choice (minimum 1€).
The Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA collection, which is representative of contemporary art from the past forty years, brings together artistic practices as wide-ranging as painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, installation, video and sound. This body of works was compiled in 1983 from a remarkable photographic collection that ‘re-enacted’ a history of 20th-century photography. In recent years, the collection has gradually expanded to embrace new perspectives, with the acquisition of works by artists from Africa and the Middle East – seldom sufficiently featured in French public collections – and has focused more on women artists.
The 2021 artistic agenda is underscored by a clear determination to overcome the barriers and numerous upheavals caused by the Covid-19 health crisis and which are still severely affecting the cultural sector. On our own modest scale, but with the agility so characteristic of a structure like the Frac — as evidenced by the tenders launched during the lockdown in April 2020, resulting in the selection and funding of 25 artistic projects – we need to promote with even greater force a unifying and partnership-based project that is mindful of the challenges facing artistic creation, the issues of today’s world, while integrating them into a local process of cultural democratisation. Together with our cultural partners throughout the region, we are looking to ‘lift the lockdown’ as best we can on the collection in our storage facility, operating ‘short distribution channels’ with artists and a network of local players, deploying our efforts around new artistic, educational and grassroots collaborations and productions.
With support from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and French State, the Frac is furthering its commitment to artists, partners and visitors, thereby contributing to the development of the visual arts sector, driven by its energy and unparalleled collection. In 2021, the Frac plans to implement a programme based on new ‘preventive measures’ by focusing on sound values (cooperation, proximity, circular economy, solidarity, sobriety) that are the keys to an enhanced awareness of artworks, of others and of the world. And at the same time allowing creativity to play a central and crucial role in replanting hope.
Elfi Turpin, the new director of Frac MÉCA, took up her post in September 2024. A former director of the Centre rhénan d’art contemporain d’Altkirch in Alsace, she intends to pursue a policy of openness to the region, close to its artists and audiences.” Her artistic project, entitled “Multiplier les mondes” (“Multiplying worlds”), proposes to “open up to other contemporary imaginary worlds”.
Comment se définit aujourd’hui le paysage néo-aquitain dans ses dimensions humaines et naturelles, du point de vue de sa nouvelle cartographie administrative comme de ses évolutions liées à l’essor du tourisme, à des modes de vie et de nouveaux modèles économiques ?
L’exposition «Arpenter, photographier la Nouvelle-Aquitaine» présente un ensemble d’œuvres résultant d’une mission photographique initiée par le Frac MÉCA en 2022. Soutenue et encouragée par la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, cette commande a eu pour objet de confier aux neuf artistes invités (internationaux, nationaux et régionaux) la tâche de renouveler un certain regard vers le territoire, celui d’une vaste région, plurielle et en perpétuel mouvement. Qu’ils soient migratoires, touristiques, démographiques ou encore économiques, ces flux sont caractéristiques d’une évidente mouvance décelable à l’échelle du pays, avec toutes les disparités et les inégalités qu’elle comporte, et à laquelle la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine n’échappe pas.
Artistes : André Cepeda, Jean-Luc Chapin, Chloe Dewe Mathews, Maitetxtu Etcheverria, Hicham Gardaf, Noémie Goudal, Tatiana Lecomte, Valérie Mréjen, Bruno Serralongue
Plus de 50 artistes dans la ville
Pour cette 10e édition, Evariste Richer, commissaire d’exposition, nous propose de considérer l’état du monde par le prisme des enjeux écologiques universels et des rapports de force auquel l’homme ne parvient à se soustraire sauf à se mettre au diapason du vivant.
La biennale accueillera ainsi des œuvres empruntées à des artistes et des collectionneurs. Les trois Frac de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Frac-Artothèque Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Frac Poitou-Charentes et le Frac MÉCA) sont partenaires du projet, et à ce titre, mettent à disposition de la biennale des œuvres de leurs collections respectives.
Le parcours de l’exposition se développera à la fois dans l’espace public et en intérieur (le Temple, l’église Saint-Pierre, l’église Saint-Savinien, la médiathèque, le Parc de la Garenne, le Chemin de la Découverte, les espaces publics et l’hôtel de Ménoc).
5, Parvis Corto Maltese
33 800 Bordeaux, France
T. +33 (0)5 56 24 71 36